FC Nomade U15 and U18 players asked us and Conrad some questions during a Zoom call back in November. Conrad, an ex-U15 Nomade who received the help of Nomade Student-Athletes, is currently attending West Virginia University Tech and is part of the Men Soccer team.
1 - "What kind of degree are you pursuing?"
(Ville, U15 FC Nomade/Tokyo International School)
Conrad: I'm pursuing a Bachelor degree. My major is Business. But as a freshman, I have to take on mandatory general courses such as Biology.
Us: The Bachelor degree is America's standard University degree. It's a 4 years program. Students chooses a Major, sometimes a Minor. Usually students select among General course the first year and start choosing courses connected with their Major. The Bachelor degree gives you the opportunity to apply for Graduate schools (Masters program), but also, students can choose to apply to job positions.
Most university offer a large choice of Majors from Business to Arts, Sciences and so on... When you apply with Nomade Student=Athletes, we take in consideration your preferences for studies and only share offers from Universities that have the Major you want to go for.
2 - "What is the soccer level like there?"
(JU15 Asahi FC/Zama American School)
Conrad: Soccer is more physical than technical here compared to Japan. Japanese soccer really is more technical so I can use what I learned in Japan and my skills in the game here and bring something different compared to other players. Here the training is mostly physical, with lot of fitness and gym workout. I am going to be able to get stronger, faster and more powerful here.
Us: Yes, America has a strong fitness culture and a different approach to sports in general. Strength, speed and power are important. But good technical skills are still central to soccer, they also value them. The style of play may be different though, more direct, more long balls etc. Intelligence on the pitch and tactics are also important to them, and a good understanding of the team's plan is important.
University sports in USA are organized by different college athletic associations:
NCAA Division I, II, III
Bigger colleges and universities
Four-year collegiate athletics
More expensive school tuitions, more scholarship allowances
Smaller colleges and universities
Four-year collegiate athletics
More affordable school tuitions
NJCAA Divison I, II, III
Community and technical colleges Two-year collegiate athletics (need to transfer then to NCAA or NAIA to pursue a four-year program)
More affordable school tuitions
​U-Sports (Canadian Universities)
Conrad plays in the NAIA, the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, with West Virginia University Tech. The difference is mainly the school size and the tuitions. The best teams in NAIA can be similar to the good ones in NCAA Div I. Some players make it to the pro level. There are also several conferences in each college associations.
WVUT started the 2022 season ranked #100 in NAIA (all conferences).
Conrad and his team did great, he started in most games from the beginning of the season. The team became Champion of the River State Conference with a record of 13-2-3 overall.
This looks good on Conrad, and he definitely had a role in it.
FC Nomade's Coach Kevin played in NCAA Div I with Coastal Carolina University. An excellent soccer program that made it to the Top #15 team during his years there. Couple of players from the team are still playing at the pro level today. We hope to open a path there for our best players from Japan.
3 - "What are the biggest challenges as a student-athletes in America?"
(Yuta, U15 FC Nomade/St Marys International School, Tokyo)
Conrad: It's definitely to be good at both soccer and school. To give my best as a player and keep up with school work and my grades. The training and school schedule combined is quite busy. I have to stay focused.
Us: That's right. The biggest challenge you will face there is yourself. You have to build self-discipline. It's the best opportunity one can have to become mature and responsible. You go there to earn a University degree and earn soccer titles and awards. These things are what will give you a future professionally. If you receive a scholarship offer, it is a huge help for your family and a chance to finance your degree while playing soccer, too. One cannot hope better, so it is worth keeping both up.
The life on and off Campus is also very entertaining, and it is normal for you to want to enjoy your student life. As long as you can balance it out, and are able to keep up with everything at the same time, you will be successful.
Thank you all, and Conrad for participating in this Zoom call.
For more information and details on the steps to go for College Soccer in America, visit Nomade Student=Athletes webpage here: https://www.fcnomade.jp/nomade-student-athletes
If you are in your last two years of High School, you can submit your profile and information and let us assess your chance for a scholarship and a spot in a College team.
Bellow, few photos from Conrad's University: